Special Guest
Tellman Knudson
Born in rural New Hampshire with severe ADD and twisted legs, Tellman Knudson is “The Backwoods Millionaire” well known for achieving the impossible and helping others to do the same. At the age of 16 he defied his doctors predictions, setting the record for speed on his cross-country course and going on to run marathons. A self-made multi-millionaire before the age of 30, Tellman took his company Overcome Everything, Inc. from zero to multi-millions a year in under 4 years. Now recognized worldwide as the authority on Listbuilding and respected for his work helping homeless teens with his barefoot run across the United States, Tellman (when not running) lives in his home, “the Tellmansion” in Southern Vermont.
His company, Overcome Everything, Inc. is a multi-million-dollar virtual information publishing company, with 15 employees, who all work from home in places as far distant as San Francisco is from Brattleboro, VT.
2:00 PM EST
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