The Secret I Discovered As A Marine Officer That Allowed Me To Breakthrough My Financial Ceiling Simply By 'Re-Tuning' My Brain Waves
This is a list of symptoms Mr. Thermometer Suffers from with MONEY BLOCKS…
- If I look at my bank account over the past several years, it has remained about the same.
- You feel like you've hit a glass ceiling in your business.
- You have made a bunch of money only to go back to the same amount in your account and then wonder how it got back there.
- After something falls apart financially, you look back and realize you have self-sabotaged your business without even realizing it.
- You're at the point in time where you find yourself frustrated; not knowing where to go in your business because you lack vision and direction for your next steps.
- Find yourself playing it safe where in the past you may have taken a calculated risk to advance yourself financially.
...These are both traumatizing and demoralizing at the same time for people who suffer from the Mr. Thermometer syndrome.
Fortunately however, if you are Mr. Thermometer you don’t have to suffer from hitting a glass ceiling anymore and start reaping the rewards from all your hard work.
Once you have broken through the fears that are holding you back, your anxiety will be replaced with calmness as you increase your bank account.
That’s what you’ll learn about in the MONEY BLOCKS System.
Specifically you’ll learn how to obliterate any MONEY BLOCKS. You’ll also find out how to destroy any self limiting beliefs holding you back from financial success. And you’ll even discover any self-sabotaging financial patterns and eradicate them from your mind only to replace them with your desired results.
So without further introduction let’s jump in with a discussion of the MONEY BLOCKS System...
“How do MONEY BLOCKS effect your financial success?”
It keeps your bank account low, that simple!
If you’re like a lot of people who desire more income, you’ve probably wondered why are other people able to have the lifestyle I desire. Maybe you’ve even wondered how can someone with a less education then me have that much financial success.
Truth is, there’s a lot of contradictory and even outright false information floating around about MONEY BLOCKS.
Your Brain Making Money Looks a Lot Like Your Brain On Cocaine.
That’s why we rolled up our sleeves and uncovered all the latest neuroscience on MONEY BLOCKS. And what we discovered is that your brain making money looks a lot like your brain on cocaine.
Well, a Harvard Business Review article by author Kabir Sehgal looked for answers to that question by breaking down some of the most important money-related fMRI studies of the past two decades. The answer, in short, is a whole lot.
Then you’ll be even more surprised when you discover That stomach pain you feel when your money is at risk is real. Read on to find out how MONEY BLOCKS effect you...
It’s a frightening statistic: In the United States, the 2006 National Survey on Drug Use and Health reports that 35.3 million Americans aged 12 and older reported having used cocaine. That’s a lot of people with a cocaine problem, isn’t it?
So what does that have to do with MONEY BLOCKS
Your brain making money looks a lot like your brain on cocaine.
In 1997, a study put brain scans of cocaine addicts high on their drug of choice next to brain scans of non-addicts playing a money game in which they had the potential to win or lose cash.
What it found was striking: Game-players who were about to make money displayed heightened brain activation in the nucleus accumbens, a part of the brain tied to reward, pleasure, motivation, and addiction. The brain scans of addicts high on cocaine were almost indistinguishable.
So when people say money is a drug, they may not be far off...
So when people say money is a drug, they may not be far off because when is enough, enough?
The question is what type of lifestyle are you addicted to be broke, average or wealthy?
And yet most people completely ignore these statistics and correlations. They think there’s no way they could be “ADDICTED TO BEING BROKE' could happen to them. But just ask the millions of people who’re affected by being addicted to cocaine and they’ll tell you that it can and does happen. And they’ll also tell you the best thing you can do is be prepared.
That’s what the MONEY BLOCKS System is all about
In just moments you’ll find out how to stop the “ADDICTION TO BEING BROKE". Read on...
If this former football player who went bust could do it why not me...
The first time I heard that quote I knew if this former football player who went bust could do it why not me. Over time however, this has grown to be my favorite powerful money mindset quote, simply because I realized that broke was temporary where being poor was forever and I was done being broke.
In fact I think every aspiring entrepreneur would do well to read this quote, understand it and start applying it to their business.
Learn how to reprogram your mind around money
Of course telling someone to apply this powerful mindset belief and actually doing it are two different things. And that’s why you’re about to learn how to reprogram your mind around money and destroy any MONEY BLOCKS once and for all.
Let’s jump into my personal journey so it doesn’t become yours…
I almost couldn’t believe what had happened: she looked me and told me she no longer wanted to be married. I didn’t know what to say accept my stomach sank and my bottom lip started to quiver. Was this really happening to me?
I’m sure you can just imagine how I felt, but I hope you don’t. That’s a big reason I’m sharing this with you because the #1 reason people get divorced is due to financial reasons and we were no different at the time. I was devastated and all I could think about was I never saw this coming. She turned to leave and I told her that I would fight her over the kids for 50-50 custody other than that I didn’t care what happened. And that’s the day I realized I needed to get my finances in order to make sure my children would be taken care of.
To say I was depressed would be an understatement. When you have no choice and your WHY is bigger than EXCUSES you can make then when it’s time to kick things into overdrive. I know I needed to change things and start over so that’s what I did.
One Phone Call Changed It All...
One phone call changed it all, that was to my landlord at the time saying I was moving out. The next calls were to my friends asking for any time they could spare to help me move out. So I got a moving truck and out I went to put everything I owned into a storage unit.
I effectively moved into my car (clothes, books and computer) and headed south to stay with a friend to get my mind right around what I would do next. It was in these books, audios and circle of friends where my mind began to change because like Dwayne Johnson I knew “I was broke as hell and one day I wouldn’t be"
It took about 4 months but I pulled it off. Got my own place, 50-50 custody with the kids, and my kids wouldn’t know any different they just thought daddy was out working which was true.
Today those same beliefs and skills I learned through the darkest hours of my life are how I help transform others minds today. I get invited and travel rooms full of smartest entrepreneurs on the planet, invite only trips to Cuba with multiple 7 figure earners, take in Sunsets from private island and parties where movies are filmed.
And the good news is that you too fix the financial self-sabotaging thoughts that are stealing food off your table.
Here’s how...
Picture for a moment what it would be like if you didn’t have any financial stressors in your life. Imagine how you’d feel if you no longer had to even think about financial stressors from MONEY BLOCKS. Just picture how joyous your life would be without financial stressors from MONEY BLOCKS.
The good news is that dreaming about getting rid of financial stressors from MONEY BLOCKS isn’t just a fantasy anymore – it CAN happen and will happen when you take action.
And all you have to do to get rid of ALL MONEY BLOCKS is obliterate your self sabotaging beliefs around money.
Having self sabotaging beliefs around money is no fun.
It crippling to think will my debit card get declined at the grocery line. You also wonder if you’ll have enough gas to get home. And sometimes you even don’t know where your next meal is going to come from.
When you start having more bad days than good, that’s when you know it’s time to make a change. That’s when you know it’s time to just say no to MONEY BLOCKS. And that’s exactly what you’re about to learn how to do, so read on…
Identify Your Main Money Block...
The whole point of the quiz was to help you identify your main MONEY BLOCK type.
Indeed, you started out thinking how do having MONEY BLOCKS effect my bank account and I hope by now that you’ve come to realize how they are keeping you from the financial lifestyle you desire.
I don’t necessarily expect you to write me a check for $10,000 like my personal one on one VIP clients do. Rather it would be helpful if you would take “baby steps” towards being opening your mind up to transforming your mind for financial success by investing into the MONEY BLOCKS System at a fraction of what it would be to work one-on-one personally with me. And you may also want to be free from any financial stressors.
Go ahead and do it – you may just get some unexpected, financial opportunity!
You can do this. You deserve this.
So go ahead and get started now because your dream lifestyle is waiting for you!
What would removing your MONEY BLOCKS within the next 147 minutes do for you?
Take advantage of 147 minutes of training from Daryl Hill as he works you through each of the MONEY BLOCKS. Helping you release your fears, anxieties, and limiting beliefs in minutes.
Right now you can take advantage of this training for one-third of the normal retail price!
Invest $47 right now not instead of $147 (Instantly Save $100)
What’s included in the MONEY BLOCKS Fast Start System:
- 147 Minutes of personalized training on helping you discover the hidden money inside your own mind and how to release each on your 11 MONEY BLOCKS $147 Value
- The MONEY BLOCKS Release template…release your blocks in minutes! $147 Value
- Full PDF MONEY BLOCKS guide that breaks down the 11 MONEY BLOCKS and how you allow these blocks to self-sabotage your life! $147 Value
- Hypnotic video in order to easily identify and destroy any MONEY BLOCKS from creating abundance. $97 Value
- Money Meditation Soundtrack to an abundance mindset and release any financial self-sabotaging patterns. $97 Value
- Unannounced BONUS notes that I personally took from a $30,000 Mastermind I invested into. $PRICELESS
Total VALUE = $585
(Instantly Save $538)
Your Investment $47
Click ADD TO CART to invest in the MONEY BLOCKS System now for financial abundance
Discover An Entirely New Way To Create Financial Abundance...
I have a feeling you’re one of those people. And that’s why I suggest you click ADD TO CART for the MONEY BLOCKS System right now, because on the other side of this link you’ll discover an entirely new way to create to create the ability to live the way you want to live without the stress.
You wouldn’t believe what’s on the other side of the link if I told you. You need to see it for yourself because this is a my own process that no one is talking about.
Don’t believe me still listen to what others are saying…
How others have financially benefited from Working With Daryl
Katerina Satoria, Transformational Coach
"I contribute to Daryl to directly helping me clear 6 figures in one weekend."
Sam Bell from PPC Boutique
"Personally had struggled and was living in I'm taking business & life to the next level."
Diane Conklin from Complete Marketing Systems
"I highly recommend talking to Daryl because he's made a huge difference in my life."
Daven Michael's New York Times Best Selling Author
"If you want to take your business or personal life to the next level I highly suggest working with Daryl"
Zane Corriher from My Neuro Wave
"Able to Close a $4,500 coaching package... And up leveled my network... He'll help you make more that's a given but, it's your quality of life that will be the difference."
What’s included in the MONEY BLOCKS Fast Start System:
- 147 Minutes of personalized training on helping you discover the hidden money inside your own mind and how to release each on your 11 MONEY BLOCKS $147 Value
- The MONEY BLOCKS Release template…release your blocks in minutes! $147 Value
- Full PDF MONEY BLOCKS guide that breaks down the 11 MONEY BLOCKS and how you allow these blocks to self-sabotage your life! $147 Value
- Hypnotic video in order to easily identify and destroy any MONEY BLOCKS from creating abundance. $97 Value
- Money Meditation Soundtrack to an abundance mindset and release any financial self-sabotaging patterns. $97 Value
- Unannounced BONUS notes that I personally took from a $30,000 Mastermind I invested into. $PRICELESS
Total VALUE = $585
(Instantly Save $538)
Your Investment $47
Click ADD TO CART to invest in the MONEY BLOCKS System now for financial abundance
PS: I personally guarantee that when you click the ‘yes please! button’ above and put the Money Blocks system into practice you will be completely satisfied. However if for any reason after trying what you’re shown, you’re still not happy then send me an email and I will issue you with a prompt and friendly refund within 30 days. We can then shake hands and part as friends.